You Only Live Twice

Etihad Adds Traxon
On The Road Show

Two In Cargo

TAPA Security Nod To DHL

Easy As AMB

Jet Sahara India Mega Deal

  Fast Start For ACD Germany

American Gets It On Delhi
Is 2006 a year of good news for struggling U.S. flag airline profit margins?
Anyway buzzword on many lips is “Look East,” (read out of the country)—More Click Here

Year Of The Rooster As Hahn Goes Bats
Well —yes. Hahn means “rooster” in German but trying to figure out why a former U.S. Air Force base, a place once populated by so-called “Eagles” is named for a grounded bird remains a mystery.
     Frankfurt Hahn is the most successful conversion program at a European airport from military to civil use—More Click Here.

Swiss WorldCargo In The Picture Building Air Cargo 2006

If you ask Jack Lampinski, General Manager-Americas Swiss WorldCargo what his top agenda item is right now, the words are immediate and direct:
     “We are looking to substantially improve both our bottom-line and service delivery across the board."—More Click Here.

To view Streaming Video Interview, Click Here

Wake Up Call For Malév As BAA Gets BUD
The purchase of Budapest airport by British Airport Authorities (BAA) comes as a kind of Christmas gift to Malév’s freight division Malév Air Cargo.
     This privatization is “a right step at the right time,” a leading executive of Malév told FT as the 1.82 million Euro deal was inked.
     As a result of the transaction he expects major investment by BAA in ground infrastructure, including the cargo facilities at BUD.
“What we most urgently need is a new warehouse for airfreight and mail at the Ferihegyi 2 terminal to cure major headaches for our 29 aircraft fleet,” Sándor Zákonyi, Malév’s director of cargo and mail said.
     Currently all warehouse and freight-handling facilities are located at Ferihegyi 1, more than five kilometres from Ferihegyi 2.  More Click here.

Air Cargo Outlook 2006—Losses Are Shaved During Year Of Transition

    During 2005, the U.S. airlines lost $8 billion while European airlines as a group broke about even.
    Asian carriers as a group recorded about a bit more than a billion USD in profits.
    Through it all the price of oil remained the biggest, single challenge to the future of aviation.
    Summing up the problem, International Air Transport Association (IATA) Director General and CEO, Giovanni Bisignani said:
    “The extraordinary price of oil is destroying the industry's profitability.
    “Cost savings and other efforts while impressive, are still not enough to pull the industry out of the red.
    “It is no secret that we are going through the worst crisis in our history.
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  Lufthansa Cargo Charter Agency Record 2005
Lufthansa Cargo Charter Agency (LCCA) achieved its best-ever financial performance in 2005.
     Exact figures will be published in March in the consolidated results of the parent company, Lufthansa Cargo, which has a 100 percent stake in LCCA— More Click Here.

       No Merger For Lufthansa Swiss Cargo
  Lufthansa Cargo and Swiss WorldCargo will not become one entity but stay separated and maintain their different brand names as well as product portfolios.
   “There are a lot of important customers in Switzerland that are eager to—More Click Here.

CNS In Vegas Is More Than Schmoozing
Dear Geoffrey,
Thank-you for including the CNS Partnership Conference ’06 in FlyingTypers’ list of Top Cargo shows of 2006.

More Click Here

Martin Changed Air Cargo

If you want to learn about August Martin, the great air cargo pilot who flew for Seaboard World Airlines during the 1950’s, and was also the first black man to captain a U.S. flag air cargo airplane, you better plan on either using your old Funk & Wagnall’s Encyclopedia, or visiting the wonderful high school named in honor of the air—More Click Here.

Homage To Clifton Moore
   One of the greatest airport managers in the history of any airport, the late Clifton Moore of Los Angeles World Airports is subject of an affectionate sentimental retrospective currently on display at the Flight Path Learning Center of Southern California.
   We knew Cliff Moore and admired this guy—More Click Here.

Offenbach Allegro At FRA

Historically in Germany the famous Frankfurt Cross that links the Autobahn in all four directions is located in the County around the City of Offenbach am Main referred to as “Kreis Offenbach.”
     Rhein Main Air Base now part of Fraport Cargo City South is partially located in part of Offenbach.
     Kreis Offenbach is very densely populated with towns and villages including small modern industries. More Click Here.


Top Trade Shows Of 2006
February 14-17 Air Freight Asia 2006 Shanghai, China
Held at the Shanghai-Pudong International Conference and Exhibition Center, AFA coincides with a big IATA cargo meeting offering some double bang for the buck with the world’s hottest market as backdrop and a reportedly “sold out” venue in which to graze. More Info:

March 1-3 Air Cargo Americas Miami, Florida
Takes place just off the main runways at Miami International Airport, ACA 2006 is actually what is left of ACA October 2005 that was blown away during the terrible hurricane season of last year.
The VIII Air Cargo Americas International Congress and Exhibition began in 1991 as a set piece for eager show attendees to gather during years when higher profile TIACA event was not held.

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