Cargo Security Summit Targets Gang Theft

     Top agenda talking point at The 2006 Cargo Security Legislative Summit January 25 & 26, 2006 will be the growing threat from violent gangs that prey upon motorized cargo.
     Sponsored by Florida Statewide Commercial Vehicle Cargo Theft Task Force, Florida Trucking Association and the International Cargo Security Council, the event focuses mainly on truck security, but touches at several points vital to air cargo.
     CSLS is being held at Ramada Inn-Tallahassee, Florida, 2900 North Monroe, Tallahassee, FL 32303.
     Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, smuggles drugs, humans and guns from El Salvador through Mexico into the United States.
     The gang is so tough that it has added U.S. Border Patrol agents on its hit list.
     Currently MS-13 has about 10,000 members in 31 U.S. states.
     The Legislative Cargo Security Summit will include an FBI update on the growing threat of MS-13 to officers on the street.
     Marion Florida Sheriff Capt. Tommy Bibb, one of the event organizers told The Star Banner, the Ocala, Florida newspaper, “They (MS-13) are known for their violence toward law enforcement officers.
     "With a growing number of law enforcement officers out there tracking down cargo thieves, they need to be aware of MS-13.
     "This gang could also be dangerous for our agents tracking cargo crimes."
     Each year, at least $10 billion of cargo is stolen from warehouses, 18-wheelers and ship containers.
     “The conference is a way for agencies from all around the USA to get together and discuss issues in hopes of reducing the national crisis of cargo theft.”
     The International Cargo Security Council is an association of professionals active in intermodal transportation and supply chain security.
     More info: Captain Thomas Bibb, Marion County Sheriff's Department, (352) 368-3543, or ICSC 410-571-7913.

Charter Stars As Etihad Adds Traxon



No translation needed here. Etihad Crystal Cargo's Ingo Roessler (left) and Traxon's Felix Keck cement agreement that now has Crystal Cargo on board Traxon's world IT program.

     Last year as Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airlines continued what appears to be a non-stop run up into the big time airline game, the carrier began developing a solid platform for the cargo charter business.
     Etihad began with all cargo A300-600 service to Frankfurt, Germany in February 2005.
     More all-cargo-destinations—Milan, Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta, New Delhi and Khartoum followed, as a second Airbus, an A310-300RF and a third freighter an Airbus A300-600RF (all leases) joined the Crystal Cargo fleet.
     Martin Drew, a cargo charter specialist was brought onboard as business continued to percolate.
     Some of the charter routes were so successful that they morphed into operation on a “scheduled” basis.
     As example Etihad Crystal Cargo ran twice weekly charter services from China-India-Abu Dhabi all during 2005.
     “Since March 2005, we have operated more than 100 charters worldwide.
     “That is a stunning figure—especially when talking about just a 9 month timeframe,” Ingo Roessler, V.P. Cargo, said.
     “The last quarter of 2005 marked a strong increase in charter activity.
     “Many of our shipments were concentrated on routes from Far East to Europe where we moved garments and electrical goods in preparation for the holiday season,” Martin Drew added.
     In addition to commercial charters, Crystal Cargo also operated numerous humanitarian aid charters and in fact was one of the first airlines to carry relief goods into the earthquake-devastated regions of Pakistan.
     Etihad signed an agreement with Traxon to provide electronic communications that allows Crystal cargo shippers to talk electronically with Traxon’s 26 clients, including Geologistics, Hellmann, JAS, Panalpina, Schenker, SDV and others that link their worldwide offices through the Traxon gateway.
     “Our decision to enhance IT services by linking our computer system to the worldwide Traxon network, is the first milestone in a strategy to bring total information transparency to Crystal Cargo customers, Ingo Roessler said.
     All in all, the VP Cargo reports, 2005 for Etihad was “a very good year”.
     “Our target for 2005 was to reach a turnover of USD $100 million.
     “We nearly achieved that number.
     “Delays in aircraft delivery and new destination launch impacted what was otherwise successful all around.
     “In a short period of time Etihad Crystal Cargo has become a name well known in the cargo industry.
     “We are very proud of that achievement.”
     Looking ahead in addition to infrastructure development at Gateway Abu Dhabi where Crystal cargo holds a commanding 45% market share, during 2006 total fleet of Etihad Airways will increase to 23 aircraft including five Boeing 777-300ER and seven Airbus A330-200s and A340-500s.
     A portion of proposed network expansion ahead includes Islamabad, Lahore, Dhaka, Jeddah, Manila and Jakarta.