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   Vol. 24 No. 13
Monday March 10, 2025

Flossie Arend On Gender Equality

     The reason why we've covered women in air cargo since 1975 is because once upon a time, the only woman you saw in aviation was pushing a beverage cart down the aisle of a plane or pictured half-dressed on the walls of a cargo facility.
     We have come a long way from the days when women were only allowed subservient jobs under men, and feel it is important to both showcase it and shed a light on the fact that no, things were not always this fair.
Opinion      We do believe that anyone who is worthy of a job should have it, regardless of gender, but the sad fact is that gender inequality is something that is deeply ingrained in our society at a subconscious level, and therefore it is quite an insidious and dangerous thing. The reason why companies have quotas is because in the past, companies showed undue favor towards men simply because they were men, overlooking women simply because they were women.
     To say that gender issues benefit only one gender is an interesting stance to take given the fact that the term ‘gender issues’ only makes sense historically as a term that arose because the ‘fairer sex’ was routinely ignored and passed over for work and other opportunities.
     Men as a gender have always had the upper hand, held the better positions, been paid more and offered more opportunities. The issue is not that things are no longer that way, because they have improved; it is that people sincerely believe that those old prejudices have passed when all that has happened is it has gone underground.
Flossie Arend     Sexism and gender bias are a struggle that women must contend with every day, in ways that men simply do not. Women have to prove themselves in ways that men do not, because historically men have always been a part of the work force where women have only entered the picture in the last century.
     We are proud of our Women in Air Cargo series and we are proud of the women we showcase. They deserve to have their stories heard as much as anyone else, and we provide a spotlight on them because the story of their struggle ties into the history of women’s struggle as a gender to have a voice and a place in this world. They are an inspiration to all women.
Flossie Arend
Managing Editor

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Airportz A Poppin' At AirCargo 2025
Vol. 24 No. 11
Delta In The Value
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Mentoring Tomorrow's Leaders
The EMO Generations & I

FT030425Vol. 24 No. 12
Five Minutes On Air Forever
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Fat Tuesday Knows What It Means

Publisher-Geoffrey Arend • Managing Editor-Flossie Arend • Editor Emeritus-Richard Malkin
Senior Contributing Editor/Special Commentaries-Marco Sorgetti • Special Commentaries Editor-Bob Rogers
Special Assignments-Sabiha Arend, Emily Arend
• Film Editor-Ralph Arend

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