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   Vol. 24 No. 11
Monday March 3, 2025

Mentoring Tomorrow's Leaders

     On Monday March 3rd at 1700 hours great expectations at sundown in early March 2025 get a reality check as a determined group of futurists that have met in one form or another for the past several years at Air Cargo Conference will be once again center stage.
     “Mentoring Tomorrows Leaders” is an appellation affixed to this most interesting meeting.
     Hats off to the participants in a  straight from the shoulder, right from the heart group working to advance the lot and role of women in logistics.
     Women’s panel includes Sandy Gregory of Gregory Logistics who will serve as Moderator, Elizabeth Moscosco-Moscosco Express , Sarah Willing-Delta Airlines and Sheila Serafin-RIM Logistics.

5:00-6:00 PM

     We thought a way to get the ball rolling for this discussion would to be to share some thoughts asked of each leader:
     Sandy Gregory of Sandy Gregory is well positioned to once again take the reigns of this stellar group.
     Sandy with more than 30 years  in logistics is a pioneering woman who bases her Gregory Consultant Company in Glen Ellyn Illinois near O’Hare International Airport.
     “At Gregory Logistics Consulting, we help businesses navigate the complex world of regulatory trade compliance and cargo operations with dedicated support and advocacy.
     “We are all about advancing solutions and transportation compliance support.
     “Gregory Logistics Consulting is committed to enhancing your supply chain efficiency and compliance. We understand that not all companies operate the same, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs.”
     Elizabeth Moscoso is  President of Moscoso Express, a family run “first and final mile” business based in Chicago said :
     “A most valued mentor is Katie Tasdemir of Griley Airfreight. Katie has been instrumental in my journey within the air cargo industry. Her guidance helped me navigate daily operations and business management that make a company thrive.
     “Moscoso Express is proud to share many synergies with Griley Airfreight as women-led businesses, particularly our dedication to ethical and professional practices and the highest level of care for our clients. I'm grateful to Katie for leading by example and look forward to our continued collaboration.”
     Sheila Serefin is yet another lady pioneer in transportation from the great American mid-west having been with Roselle Illinois based Rim Logistics since startup in 1997.
     Today in a position dominated elsewhere by men Sheila Serafin serves as Vice President Global Accounts as someone who indeed  has worked her way up the ladder taking no short cuts along the way.
     RIM is a global logistics company that offers transportation, warehousing, and distribution services and supply chain management, cargo insurance, and customs brokerage.
     Sarah Willing is Director, Cargo Performance & Analytics at Delta Air Lines who has held several high demand posts since joining the Atanta based carrier.
     Analytics in this ladies title is a leading indicator to her rise into a key post in the future of DL Cargo as she has served in getting down to business over her years as manager of SME and other strategies, including Agency Sales, Corporate Sales Development, Domestic Sales Development and most recently Director of Sales Performance, the Americas.
     In her current post Sarah says she is firstly focused upon developing and executing strategic, integrated marketing and communications campaigns to increase Delta Cargo brand and product awareness, including events coordination for tradeshows, conferences, and customer events.”
     Well good luck to all at Air Cargo Conference where the word 'will-powered by women' who are ready to share big ideas as they welcome their future leading the way in air cargo.

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Publisher-Geoffrey Arend • Managing Editor-Flossie Arend • Editor Emeritus-Richard Malkin
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• Film Editor-Ralph Arend

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