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   Vol. 24 No. 6
Friday February 14, 2025

Dog Days Of Winter

Geoffrey Arend, Sabiha Arend, Florence Arend, Emily Arend, Ralph Arend, Geoffrey Arend II Anuradha H. Arend

     When Sirius appeared in the sky just before the sun in July, that marked the beginning of the very hottest days of the year.
     The Romans referred to this period as "dies caniculares" or "days of the dog star," which was eventually translated as just "dog days."
     Too hot to handle?
     Well here come cold weather February Dog Days!
     Just prior to the Super Bowl on Sunday February 9th, The Puppy Bowl offered a gentle couple of hours broadcast worldwide on The Discovery Channel.
     Actually Puppy Bowl has been a pre-Super Bowl Sunday warm up in our house for years.
     When the children were living at home, our daughters especially would sit with one or two of our dogs and have a wonderful time.
     Puppy Bowl went for three hours on Super Bowl Sunday and among other things including lots of puppies and all the action of dog ownership, even cleaning up after a couple of the Puppy Bowl combatants got overly excited and pooped on the set.
     Wonderful thing here, is that scores of puppies were offered for rescue adoption during the event.
     For background, during COVID and often when disasters strike, scores of animals, dogs especially are abandoned or put up for adoption.
Emma Shin     “Those Puppy Bowl adoption ads,” says Emma Shin, (right) who operates Rocky Mountain Puppy Rescue in Denver, Colorado (rmpuppyrescue.org) “are great for dog rescue, often resulting In waiting lists for viewers who fall in love with dogs for the first time, or all over again.
     “Everywhere for days after the Puppy Bowl action for dog adoption in various shelters all over America bumps up," she said.
    An American tune written in the 1860s captured the challenges of those times and also the role of a dog perfectly.
     The tune is “Sweet Betsy From Pike” and the lyric explains what it is about dogs in just a couple words . . .
          Don't you remember Sweet Betsy from Pike
          Who crossed the big mountain with her lover Ike.
          With two yoke of cattle and a large yellow dog,
          A tall Shanghai rooster and one spotted hog.
          The rooster ran off, and the cattle all died,
          The last piece of bacon that morning was fried.
          Well Ike got discouraged and Betsy got mad,
          The dog drooped his tail and looked wonderfully sad.

     Here we are at home with a couple four-legged friends as they continue to do what they have always done best.
     As great spirits, just like most every other dog in this world, our dogs look at us and just want to know:
     “What’s up?”
     Hooray For Dog Days And Happy Valentine's Day!

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Publisher-Geoffrey Arend • Managing Editor-Flossie Arend • Editor Emeritus-Richard Malkin
Senior Contributing Editor/Special Commentaries-Marco Sorgetti • Special Commentaries Editor-Bob Rogers
Special Assignments-Sabiha Arend, Emily Arend
• Film Editor-Ralph Arend

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