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Vol. 24 No. 5              Wednesday February 5, 2025

ATC Is Everyone's Valentine
      Here’s an early Valentine from Ingo Zimmer, CEO of ATC Aviation Services, AG pictured last year when ATC completed 35 years of service with Ingo at the helm.

Chuckles for February 5, 2025

Petal To The Medal Grows SAF
With Valentine’s Day love just around the corner, featuring flowers tentatively scheduled to appear everywhere in the next few weeks, here is a smiling group of floriculturists attending a trade show event all about the flower business.

Cargo Building 260's Triumphant Return To JFK
When Building 260 originally appeared in 1962 at Idlewild Airport Cargo (today JFK) in New York, the place heralded a new era for air shippers with all the bells and whistles to advance air cargo to an unheard of new plateau.

Dear Hearts & Gentle People
     Here are a group of people that everyone should know about when the question is asked, “where in the world does air cargo reach out and help others asking for nothing in return?”

The Kelly Act
     We think, remembering people in our business is a good idea and also some fun during our 5Oth year.
     Right now, up and down the line in air cargo United Airlines Cargo is a huge story.

Vol. 24 No. 4              Thursday January 30, 2025

AirCargo Dallas March Is On
      The man who has been the singular Pied Piper of local air cargo clubs, trade associations like AfA and IATA, CNS and now FIATA and seems to always be there for everybody else, Airforwarders Association’s Brandon

Chuckles for January 30, 2025

iPhone Better Than A Diamond
The iPhone you’re holding -- one out of every seven iPhones is made in India -- was likely manufactured in India. Apple’s iPhone shipments from India have crossed $10.7 billion in 2024 and, according to reports, it has overtaken the combined sales of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) manufacturers,

India To Host FIATA Rap Event
India is set to host the 2025 FIATA Region Asia Pacific (RAP) event in Delhi from May 21 to May 24. Hosted by the Air Cargo Agents Association of India (ACAAI), this significant gathering will highlight India's growing economic significance on the global stage.

Stake The Year By The Beast
     As Lunar New Year dedicated to The Snake arrived this week we are thinking that here in America and elsewhere in Europe and other locations snakes have long been identified with evil and temptation. And to be honest the Dragon, whose year we are about to leave, has not been perceived as a benign entity either, at least by Christianity.

Vol. 24 No. 3              Friday January 24, 2025

World Cargo Summit January 27-29
      Anyone who lived in Brussels for some time has been attracted, sooner or later, by the vast shores of the North Sea between Zeebrugge and De Panne, a wonderful beach challenging the winds, a few miles west of the shore where the Allies landed on June 6th 1944, D-day.

Chuckles for January 24, 2025

Scoring Between Flights
The Global Air Freight market was valued at USD 67.2 Billion in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 74.12 Billion by 2030.

Letter From Hong Kong Year Of The Snake
With the New Year behind us and with the Lunar Year of the Snake just a few days away it seems appropriate to share a few words from Hong Kong with Bob Rogers.
     "I am delighted to be able to report that Hong Kong is once again rocking and rolling, both in general and in particular when it comes to matters aviation. To highlight a few of these developments:

Delhi—A Tale Of Two Airports
     This year could well see the commencement of operations of two new airports in the vicinity of India’s capital Delhi International Airport. These will be the Jewar Airport in Noida (85 km from Delhi Airport) and the Hisar Airport (165 km west of the Delhi Airport).

Vol. 24 No. 2              Tuesday January 14, 2025

Port Strike Averted For Now
      Even if the public at large had not yet panicked for the anticipated strike in the east coast of the USA at the start of the New Year, those who work directly in logistics and international trade were more than alarmed. They had seen at other times the troubles and the inevitable disruptions propagating all over the international trade, with consequences both sides of the Atlantic, and beyond.

Chuckles for January 14, 2025

Berlin Fruit Logistica Launches February 5
Fruit and vegetable lovers will be 'loving it up' at Berlin’s Annual Fruit Logistica at the massive Berlin ExpoCenterCity and CityCube in Germany, February 5-7, 2025.

EMO Trans By The Book
At EMO Trans Stuttgart Andreas Pfitzner, Stuttgart Branch Manager, received a special request from EMO Trans Global Logistics founder Mr. Eckart Moltmann.
     Mr. Moltmann’s brother Prof. Dr Jürgen Moltmann, a leading theologian passed away June 4, 2024 at age of 98.

Vol. 24 No. 1              Monday January 6, 2025

Lucy In The Sky@American Airlines Cargo
      “The Wildcat Sanctuary (TWS) is a 501c3 non-profit, no-kill rescue facility located in Sandstone, MN. TWS provides a natural sanctuary to wild cats in need and inspires change to end the captive wildlife crisis. TWS is funded solely on private donations. The Sanctuary is a home for animals, not a zoo for people and is not open to the public. Combining natural and spacious habitats with a life free of exhibition and exploitation, TWS allows all residents to live wild at heart. TWS is committed to public education about the captive wildlife crisis in order to create a world where animal sanctuaries are no longer needed.”

Chuckles for January 6, 2025

Air India Warms Up New York
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
     But not for these high fliers from Air India outfitted in Manish Malhotra-designed uniforms.
     Here warming this up considerably Air India people made waltzing through Manhattan look easy as the Indian airline launched services via its candy dandy brand new A350s from Newark to New Delhi January 2.

Delicacies In The Air
Welcome to today’s FlyingTypers, as we close the chapter on this rather extended year-end break and the beginning of 2025.
     Let’s in the spirit of the New Year party season recall a great gathering on several New Year’s Days over the years as we travel back to a once-upon-a-time at JFK International Airport in New York City.

Vol. 23 No. 53              Tuesday December 24, 2024

A Christmas Story
      Every year around this time, we struggle to find new words to offer to our loyal FlyingTypers readers.
     I am not immune to the warm responses inspired by our annual Christmas story, and I would be posturing if I said it doesn’t feel good to know it is so well received. However, the pressure mounts to say something new; to not rehash the things you already know; to provide some meaningful insight into our holiday gathering.   

Chuckles for December 24, 2024

Vol. 23 No. 52              Friday December 20, 2024

Flying By The Trillions In 2025
      Quoting a commercial to start this article is more than unexpected for me, but this one suits the purpose in so many ways that it is probably worth making an exception. In about one minute, you realize the incredible importance and dimension of air travel: you just want to multiply the figures you hear from Singapore Airlines in their BBC ad by the unimaginable number of connections worldwide to understand the magnitude and impact of modern aviation.  

Chuckles for December 20, 2024

Buffalo Airways Brings Christmas
      Heartwarming event way up North in Canada, where usually at this time of year the outside temp is -10°F. Buffalo Airways Cargo celebrated a “Child’s Christmas in Yellowknife,” with a deluxe Hangar Party for local kids including, from left Buffalo General Manager Mikey McBryan, St. Nicholas (Santa himself) and Buffalo Chief Mechanic Chuck Adams, resident curmudgeon (Scrooge himself).

Vol. 23 No. 51              Thursday December 12, 2024

TIACA Built To Be More
      FlyingTypers was delighted to attend the Air Cargo Forum 2024 in Miami, which admittedly was “built to be more than an exhibition”. The promise was fulfilled, no doubt.
Many of our readers participated in the ACF this year. The fact that the ACF is more than an exhibition is a clear concept for the numerous participants of the ACF, possibly the largest air cargo conference in the world. The ecumenical

Chuckles for December 12, 2024

Letter From Istanbul
      The last week of October saw a gathering of over 700 delegates at the Aviation Connect Conference in Istanbul and connected did putting together under one roof at one time delegates from Air Cargo Handling, ASA Airport Services Association, ULD CARE, Airfreight Pharma, Road Feeder Services and GSE & Ramp Ops Global.

PTSL Bangs A Steel Drum
     Bill Gerst Is Business Development Manager for PTS Logistics (PTSL)
     Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Wood Dale, IL (close to Chicago O’Hare Airport), what PTSL does in addition to a diversified suite of offerings for the world’s largest Indirect Air Carriers (IAC) and freight forwarders, is to provide a direct over the road connection from the U.S. heartland at the Chicago logistics community to PTSL’s Miami warehouse located near the Ronald Reagan Turnpike and Interstate 75 supporting

One More From TIACA ACF
      Meanwhile in a remote phone call comes a blast from the past.
Maybe the best thing about being at an industry trade show are the people . . . the dear hearts and gentle people with whom we get to make contact and remember.

Vol. 23 No. 50              Monday December 2, 2024

Chandra Kant Govil—An Open Book
     Chandra Kant Govil, the President of The Air Cargo Agents Association of India (ACAAI) comes across as a leader with a difference. As Chairman and Managing Director of Activair, C K Govil loves to talk— not so much about his work as a forwarder—but about his “other” pursuit: a social worker. Speaking to FlyingTypers, C K Govil said, “My full-time focus is on ACAAI, now that I am the President.” And he does not take that lightly. In addition, to organizing the annual convention—that will be held December 5-8 in Baku—Govil has been able to convince FIATA to hold its RAP meeting in Delhi from May 21- 24 2025.

Chuckles for December 2, 2024

Drive To Increase India Exports
      As India sets its sights on a monumental economic transformation, the country aims to inject an impressive $1 trillion into its GDP every 18 months over the next six years. According to a report by IDBI Capital, this ambitious strategy will propel India to become a $10 trillion economy by 2032. Moreover, the nation is on track to clinch the title of the world's third-largest economy by 2030, a position that underscores its burgeoning global influence.

New Runway Navi Mumbai Airport
      Navi Mumbai International Airport's (NMIA) new runway was inaugurated with the landing of an Indian Air Force Airbus C-295 on October 11. The symbolic event was guided by both IAF and civilian controllers. The Adani Group is building the airport —around 25 km from the center of Mumbai— which will lessen Mumbai International Airport's burden.

Go Goa Manohar Airport
      Navi Mumbai International Airport's (NMIA) new runway was inaugurated with the landing of an Indian Air Force Airbus C-295 on October 11. The symbolic event was guided by both IAF and civilian controllers. The Adani Group is building the airport —around 25 km from the center of Mumbai— which will lessen Mumbai International Airport's burden

Sweet Lou Carnesecca—'Stay Between The Lines'
      Sweet Lou Carnesecca died Saturday in New York at age 99.
Lou is remembered for his tenure as Coach of the St. John's University Basketball Team where he shepherded “The Red Men” to national fame.
     Today New York Newspapers and even the national U.S. television news are covering his death as the loss of a genuinely sweet, decent and completely wonderful human being amongst us for all of those 99 glorious years.


   We are the original Air Cargo News founded 50 years ago in 1975 in New York City, USA.    
    Edited by Geoffrey Arend, the acknowledged dean of air cargo publishers, we are the go to source for the air cargo industry worldwide.
    In-depth and knowledgeable coverage of the air cargo market.    No advertorials, no press releases, no dubious awards. Just market savvy.
   Responsible for saving the Marine Air Terminal, LaGuardia Airport, New York and Building One, Newark International Airport, New Jersey—historic first-generation aviation buildings.
   Only publication ever to be honored by the U.S. Department of Transportation for outstanding contribution to transportation and aviation.

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