17 No. 52 |
August 21, 2018 |

Southern Cargo currently
faces challenges on
multiple fronts, but
most obviously from
the escalating Sino-U.S.
trade war which threatens
its Transpacific business.
All Cricket
recently caught up
with Zhao Fengsheng,
Senior Vice President
of the carrier’s
Cargo Division, he
was optimistic about
the year ahead although
on tariffs, to use
an old English cricketing
idiom, he played a
decidedly straight
how China Southern
had coped with the
imposition of tariffs
by both the U.S. and
China and the threat
of more to come, Zhao
admitted the Transpacific
trade was crucial
to CZ’s freight
business plan, but
was hesitant to discuss
the topic in detail.
have been paying close
attention to the change
of customer demand,
using flexible sales
methods and adjusting
capacity and actively
exploring new markets,”
was all FlyingTypers
could draw from him.
Market Two Percent
Zhao was more forthcoming
when discussing the
health of freight
markets this year.
far in 2018, the air
cargo market has been
stable overall,”
he said.
the market demand
growth is not as good
as the same period
in 2017.
to preliminary statistics,
in the first five
months of this year,
the freight and mail
transportation volume
and revenue of China
Southern Cargo Airlines
have achieved a moderate
growth, with cargo
volume increasing
by 2% year-on-year.”
By Region
Zhao said China-Europe
demand had been “stable”
this year, while intra-Asia
cargo demand had been
dynamic, prompting
service roll-outs.
Southern Airlines
began to operate Guangzhou-Vietnam-Guangzhou
route by B747 freighter
on September 24, 2015,
two flights per week,”
he said.
to the end of May
2018, CZ has operated
more than 500 flights.
Over 19,000 tons of
goods has been shipped
from Vietnam to China,
Europe and the United
States through this
route, and more than
5,000 tons of them
has been transported
to Europe Via China.”
2017 Sets Bar High
most carriers, 2017
was exceptional for
CZ, all the more so
because after years
of relatively slow
growth the rebound
was unexpected. CZ
certainly took advantage
- revenue from freight
and mail transportation
increased by 26.3%
year-on-year while
profit from freight
operations reached
CNY651 million (USD$97m),
the carrier’s
best ever financial
did have expectations
of recovery of the
air cargo market in
2017, but the bounce
was better than what
we expected,”
explained Mr. Zhao.
the one hand, the
cyclical upturn in
2017 was predictable.
on the IATA data,
the air cargo market
demand was weak in
the first three quarters
of 2016 and the cargo
capacity growth of
the Asia-Pacific airlines
slowed sharply, which
was only half the
growth rate of the
same period of 2015.
In the fourth quarter
of 2016, the market
demand started to
rebound significantly,
but the slow capacity
growth situation held
out until the third
quarter of 2017, resulting
in great improvements
in revenue in 2017.
Was A Surprise
the other hand, the
strength of the recovery
had largely topped
market participants’
forecasts in 2017.
and U.S. economies
had gone through a
strong recovery, with
manufacturing industry
rapidly transforming
from smooth running
to accelerating expansion
and the unemployment
rate gradually declining
to a record low.
this background, global
business inventories
were short, and U.S.
enterprises suffered
a continued decline
of the Inventories
to Sales Ratio during
2016 – 2017.
order to restock inventories,
enterprises had to
take advantage of
the time-sensitive
air freight offering,
so this was a driver
during the economic
recovery,” Mr.
Zhao said.

All smiles—Mr.
Zhao Fengsheng,
SVP China Southern
Cargo and Mr.
Marcel de Nooijer,
EVP, Air France
KLM Martinair
Cargo after signing
the October 2017
Memorandum of
Understanding. |
Air France Connection
continues to benefit
from its ongoing and
long-standing cooperation
with Air France KLM
Martinair Cargo. The
carriers first signed
a freighter cooperation
agreement in 2003,
but this was stepped
up in 2015 when a
Memorandum Of Understanding
was signed endorsing
a mutual cooperation
October 2017, the
MOU was further updated
with an aim to further
enhance mutual benefit
and collaboration
to the maximum advantage,”
explained Zhao.
cargo cooperation
is mainly in cargo
and mail interlining,
which covers mutual
access to the airlines’
respective networks
and provides our customers
with an extensive
global reach.
these years, cargo
destinations we jointly
serve increased to
24, mail destinations
up to 55, the scope
of interlining expanded
from general cargo
to mail and perishables
such as flowers, fruits,
addition, we added
‘Block Space’
cooperation to the
existing interlining
since November 2017,
and plan to extend
on the solid foundation
we have jointly built,
I believe we can work
out better results
in 2018 and beyond,
in terms of added
value to customers,
reaching new markets,
generating revenue
and sharing best practices.”

ULD being loaded
onto the main deck
or slipped into
the belly of a wide
body passenger aircraft
is the money shot
in any air cargo
message of late.
what about the ULDs,
aka “silent
of our air cargo
the daily ballet
of ULDs being loaded
and unloaded from
aircraft at the
airport, it is easy
to step back a bit
and wonder about
the stories they
might tell.
recall just a couple
years ago out at
JFK Airport casting
a long steady gaze
at a somewhat dented
can sitting alongside
the old Lufthansa
Building 260, the
airport facility
where the German
carrier pioneered
all-cargo main deck
B747F service from
Frankfurt to New
York in 1972.
this can had the
words “Seaboard
World” printed
on it and that brought
back even more memories
to a time when SWA
and LAAC operated
competing B747Fs
across the Atlantic
from adjacent cargo
facilities at JFK.
Not Alone In My
it comes to ULDs
in 2018 and beyond,
the “Go-To
Guys” are
Bob Rogers and Urs
have served over
the years as lightening
rods for a Canadian
organization devoted
to ULDs called ULD
CARE is a not-for-profit
started life in
the 70s as an IATA
special interest
group (then named
the Interline ULD
User Group-IULDUG)
and subsequently
split off to become
an independent not-for-profit
entity, ULD CARE
retains a close
link to IATA through
an MOU.
CARE also maintains
a close contact
with the Cargo Focus
Group at the FAA.
membership is open
to organizations
whose scope encompasses
any aircraft unit
load device (ULD)
Two & Only
great to encounter
the two most activist
ULD spokesmen in
the world, Urs Wiesendanger,
President, ULD CARE,
Air Canada (retired),
and Bob Rogers,
Vice President ULD
CARE, Senior Advisor
Nordisk, at the
recent IATA World
Cargo Symposium
in Dallas, Texas.
dynamic duo Urs
& Bob make their
case, pulling no
punches, keeping
it simple, laying
it on the line.
CARE is at the forefront
in advancing compliant,
safe, and efficient
ULD operations,”
Bob Rogers told
the past 40 years,
we have evolved
from an interlining
tracking system
to a provider of
comprehensive solutions
that advance ULD
handling for the
air cargo industry.”
Taken For Granted
global air cargo
Bob Rogers said,
“faces many
challenges and demands,
and with a few exceptions
ULD operations are
taken for granted,
expected to be available
and useable when
needed, but often
put to use in conditions
characterised by
inadequate infrastructure
and under trained
personnel, totally
unsuitable for what
are essentially
aircraft equipment
that perform an
essential flight
safety function
and are not just
a piece of material
handling equipment
Fatal Flaw
(fatal) crashes
in 1997 (Fine Air
101) and 2013 (National
Air Cargo), both
attributable to
non-complaint cargo
restraint leading
to cargo shift and
loss of control
of the aircraft,
require a “sea
change” in
the approach to
safety around cargo
loading. All too
often, the basics
of weight and balance
compliance and load
restraint are overshadowed
by DG and security.
is today a significant
gap between what
at least some national
aviation authorities
(NAAs) including
the FAA expect from
the airlines under
their jurisdiction
in terms of ULD
operations, while
on the other hand
the unregulated
ground handling,
cargo terminal,
and freight forwarding
sectors places very
limited attention
on ensuring that
only airworthy ULD
loaded correctly
are delivered to
the aircraft and
that handling infrastructure
and activities minimize
the damage to ULD,
which are lightweight
aircraft equipment,
and not some piece
of MHE to be hammered
around the warehouse
or ramp,”
Bob Rogers said.
CARE Punches Above
Its Weight
its ongoing evolution,
primary focus is
to first create
solutions that will
support the correct
use of ULDs and
then promote these
solutions using
the limited resources
said Urs.
a not-for-profit
trade association,
we rely very much
on the efforts of
volunteers to give
their time and expertise,
however we believe
that with the portfolio
we now bring to
the industry, ULD
CARE punches well
above its weight.”
For Code Of Conduct
sees the launch
of the ULD Code
of Conduct, a first
for this industry,”
Mr. Rogers declares.
“CofCs are
widespread in many
industries but are
not common in aviation
due to the highly
regulated nature
of aviation.
ground handling,
cargo terminal,
and freight forwarder
activities fall
outside the aviation
regulatory footprint,
and with the airlines
having outsourced
these activities
there exists a considerable
vacuum when it comes
to adequate ULD
airlines may well
have their own campaigns
to promote quality
in ULD operations,
but against an overwhelming
lack of awareness
(interest?) across
the various sectors
of the industry,
one airline will
struggle to achieve
anything significant,”
Bob Rogers added.
Care Challenges
Cargo is a multibillion
24/7 global operation
and making changes
is very challenging,
all too often it
takes major accident
to trigger sufficient
Bob Rogers said.
CARE knows what
has to be done to
ensure safe cargo
loading, and has
the solutions to
assist the industry
perform this function
correctly. The challenge
is to engage and
enroll the far-flung
corners of the air
cargo industry to
pick up their game.”
ULD Code Of Conduct
cannot go a week
without reading
about some new facility
for Pharma,”
Bob Rogers insists.
is a very, very
large part of air
cargo and attracts
a great deal of
the treatment of
the costly and complex
Temperature Controlled
Containers that
are a foundation
of this activity
falls far short
of what is needed,
increasing both
operating costs
and operational
Fire Containment
Covers and Fire
Resistant Containers
can provide a vital
layer of protection
against Lithium
Battery fires, a
major risk on some
trade lanes.
these items are
both costly and
require proper handling,
so often are not
present in day to
day operations.”
CARE’s primary
vehicle for change,”
Urs Wiesendanger
declares, “is
the ULD Code of
ULD CARE Code of
Bob Rogers insists,
an appropriate element
of quality into
ULD operations,
distilling down
into a simple, easy
to comprehend statement
of intent the core
principles applicable
to flight safe ULD
operations and handling.
on and complimenting
the IATA ULD Regulations,
which can be considered
to be the ‘bible’
for all ULD operations,
it is the intention
that the code become
the basis for ULD
operational standards
in organisations
regardless of size
and scale,”
he said.
Around The Banner
CARE,” Bob
and Urs point up,
“remains the
only body dedicated
specifically to
the promulgation
of ULD practices.
around 65 airline
members and about
25 related members
such as ULD manufacturers,
ULD CARE is in a
unique position
to drive ULD specific
terms of cooperations,
we look to similar
trade associations
such as ASA, industry
publications, freight
forwarder associations,
and anyone with
a vested interest
in improving ULD
operating standards
to assist in driving
our message outward.”
Is The Mission Accomplished?
answer,” is
the word in chorus.
CARE strives for
100 percent safe
ULDs on aircraft,
supported by ground
operations that
use adequate facilities
and infrastructure
and staffed with
adequately trained
personnel who know
the difference between
right and wrong
when it comes to
such an ambition
wont happen overnight,
and no doubt adoption
will take time.
every bit is a step
in the right direction.
if a number of the
larger entities
take the Code of
Conduct on board,
we will gain momentum.”

common saying
goes, “you
see the forest
for the trees.”
also seems to
be true for
the ULD (or
Unit Load Device).
everyone in
the air cargo
business can
identify the
common types
of ULDs and
has seen them
in all-day use
for the purpose
of carrying
cargo, mail,
and baggage.
people, however,
are familiar
with the latest
around ULDs,
the requirements
applicable to
their use, and
the regulatory
background edicts
for their usage.
about ULDs and
their common
perception in
our business,
we are reminded
of the great
American comedian
Rodney Dangerfield
who used to
tell his audience
about his woes
and travails:
see, I get no
Rodney would
say, and that
phrase usually
brought down
the house.
speaking, ULDs
are part of
the aircraft’s
equipment and
thus subject
to stringent
other words:
A surplus
of missing rivets,
damaged doors
or locks, bent
edges, broken
base plates
as well as improper
repairs, the
wrong tiedown
equipment, and
overload or
unevenly distributed
load will cause
the ULD to be
used out of
its specifications
and thus not
be in compliance
with applicable
FAA, EASA, and
IATA rules.
including Airbus
and Boeing as
well as ULD
have developed
stringent guidelines
which, apart
from airline-internal
guidance such
as the COM (Cargo
Operations Manual)
or the ASM (Airport
Services Manual)
can most easily
be viewed in
(Airport Handling
Manual) in its
current 38th
Edition and
in its current
6th edition
have replaced
the ULD Technical
Manual, about
three years
ago, when the
manual was revamped
and substantially

Ju-52 passenger aircraft
of the Swiss airline
Ju-Air lands last Friday.
is the airline's first
flight after the crash
on August 4, 2018 of
one of its classic aircraft
in the Swiss Alps resulting
in 20 fatalities.
immediately and voluntarily
suspended its flight
operations as a sign
of respect for the dead
and their families and
friends, and to give
the team at JU-AIR time
to begin the process
of overcoming the accident,”
JU-AIR said. “The
Swiss Federal Office
of Civil Aviation has
declared that there
is no reason why the
Ju-52s of JU-AIR should
not be allowed to fly,”
the company said, adding:
Transportation Safety
Investigation Board
STSB gives no cause
to doubt the operational
safety of our airplanes.”
the investigations bring
forth any findings that
put in question the
safety of our flight
operations, we would
immediately suspend
them once again.”
JU-AIR fleet currently
operates three vintage
Ju-52s that were built
in 1939 and in service
with the Swiss Air Force
before being retired
in 1981. |
Arend • Managing Editor-Flossie Arend • Editor Emeritus-Richard
Film Editor-Ralph Arend • Special Assignments-Sabiha Arend, Emily
Arend • Advertising Sales-Judy Miller |
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