Meet In Florida—Independence Day For Asset Management
This is the 24th annual general meeting (AGM) of what was once
known as the IULDUG, formerly an IATA interest group, and its first
AGM as a private, independent group, sans IATA. This declaration of
independence is such that IATA couldn’t even be bothered to send
a representative to the inaugural meeting, despite the fact that the
ULDUG vice chairman, Air Canada’s Urs Wiesendanger, is the chairman
of the IATA ULD Panel! The mysterious workings of this association .
. .
The meeting was very well attended, with 113 delegates consisting
of 47 airlines, 59 suppliers, a combination of various manufacturers,
pooling companies, leasing companies and 7 industry guests, including
FlyingTypers as exclusive media, and more importantly the FAA and the