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   Vol. 23 No. 31
Monday July 15, 2024

Schiphol Air Cargo Padel Fun

Jan Krms, Jacques Lijssenaar, Schiphol Air Cargo Padel

Are You Having Any Fun?
     Usually the United Airlines Cargo Vice President & EMEIA Managing Director Jacques Leijssenaar is very busy being responsible for all aspects of United Cargo's operations . . . But here he is front and center with Jan Krems to his right (partially obscured) at Schiphol Air Cargo Padel 2024, a June 13 event held just off the main runways that drew 64 teams that was the largest corporate Padel event to date, featuring thrilling, high-quality matches.
     “Bringing together so many logistics professionals highlights the vibrant and passionate air cargo community at Schiphol,” Jacques said.
     “Congratulations to MyFreight for winning this year’s edition!”
     The Air Cargo Padel Club held its first event in 2023 at The Padel Mate Club in nearby Amstelveen.
     Sponsors for Air Cargo Padel 2024 included: E-Freight Forwarding, Avi Air, United Cargo, and others.
     What we really like about Padel is that it is a friendly competition, very similar to tennis, playable on a court about 33 by 66 feet, or about a third the size of a tennis court.
     Scoring is tennis, but 99% of the play is doubles play.
     That means that people from various skill levels can go out and play and have fun right away and since the play is most often a doubles match, lots of team spirit gets generated.
     Here is how Padel goes:
     You start with an underhand serve.
     After you serve, the ball must bounce onto the turf, and you can play off the walls and play off the side.
     If tennis is checkers, Padel is chess.
     It's really a thinking person's sport, but the great thing about Padel, is the game is easy to learn and hard to master.
     Bravo, the message of fun, an essential of life shared for all to see in this one minute 18 second video of sport, food, and folks.
     For us this event is both uplifting and thought provoking after months of back-to-back business meetings and trade shows held everywhere around the world
     Are you having any fun? What are you getting out of living?
     Who cares for what you’ve got, if you’re not having any fun?

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