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Family Aid 2020
   Vol. 22 No. 38
Tuesday October 31, 2023

Knowing You

Know You Film

     Making movies with something else Arend. Our second son Ralph who built himself a first class career at Vox Media as a creative force strikes out on his own to follow his dream to move from Beer and Automobile commercials (one he did for GM that is a classic) into making movies.
     This one is actually a short film titled, “Knowing You.”
     Like most start up movie-makers it’s shoe string budget time, thus the appeal (click here) for whatever you might consider after watching the short preview.
     When Dick Malkin who invented modern air cargo journalism turned 100, the great Guenter Rohrmann buttonholed me at the TIACA annual and said
     ”Do something nice for Dick.”
     So I gave it to Ralph in the form of a bunch of notes and pictures and short videos and he turned them it into this short film.

Richard Malkin at 100

     Dick liked it so much, he lived and worked with us at FlyingTypers for another five years to age 105, or 2017. Rest in peace.

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Publisher-Geoffrey Arend • Managing Editor-Flossie Arend • Editor Emeritus-Richard Malkin
Film Editor-Ralph Arend • Special Assignments-Sabiha Arend, Emily Arend

Send comments and news to geoffrey@aircargonews.com
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