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Family Aid 2020
   Vol. 22 No. 37
Tuesday October 24, 2023

Looking At You Morocco

Kaoutar Guessous

     We were in Brussels attending the FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations' World Congress 2023. Marco Leonardo Sorgetti was with the always delightful Kaoutar Guessous, Vice Chairman of the AFFM – Association des Freight Forwarders du Maroc, who with her countrymen and others sprung into action sending help, including a personal donation by King Mohammed VI of MAD 1 billion ($100 million) to the special relief fund for the victims of the September 8 earthquake.
     The devastating 6.8 earthquake struck near the town of Oukaïmedene in the Atlas Mountains, a rural area about 50 miles southwest of Marrakech.
     The quake had a depth of about 16 miles with shaking reported throughout the country as well as in Algeria, Portugal and Spain.
     But the impact was most severely felt in the Atlas Mountains where over 3000 people were killed and over 5,000 were injured.
     “We are facing this disaster with faith, hope and solidarity,” Kaoutar said.
     “There is a sense of countrywide community in Morocco these days. People are still wearing red to share our sympathy with the ones in the mountains who suffered.
     “Millions of dollars have been raised and relief supplies are pouring in as more is coming to aid those in need.
     “As far as the logistics industry is concerned,” Kaoutar declared, “the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defence is doing a good job, especially at getting help to the affected areas by reducing truck bottlenecks on the roads and delivering the goods needed using alternative modes.
     “Morocco has very old and historic towns and is not known as an earthquake region so we suffered much, however architects and builders around the country are volunteering to reconstruct stronger.

CAS & RAK Spared

     “Casablanca and the more urban areas of Morocco were spared and are still open for business as the seasons move forward, especially for weddings and other events, we need tourism to continue to support our efforts to rebuild,” Kaoutar Guessous said.
     Here's looking at you, people of Morocco!

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Publisher-Geoffrey Arend • Managing Editor-Flossie Arend • Editor Emeritus-Richard Malkin
Film Editor-Ralph Arend • Special Assignments-Sabiha Arend, Emily Arend

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