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Family Aid 2020
   Vol. 22 No. 30
Monday September 11, 2023

United Cargo In The Picture

Rich Haus, Jan Krems, David Augustine and Manu Jacobs

From Rich Haus Senior Regional Manager United Cargo ORD:
  "This week United Cargo hosted the grand opening of our new TempControl facility at ORD.

  Our 10,679 sq ft facility includes:
   • Flexible temperature capabilities between 5 chambers
   • Roller deck
   • Double racked storage
   • 26 Active Unit charging stations

  "We are grateful and appreciative to all our industry partners for making this advancement possible!"

If You Missed Any Of The Previous 3 Issues Of FlyingTypers
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Vol. 22 No. 27
Can Freighters Navigate The Perfect Storm?
India Cargo—Ask Shesh
Air Babies
Vol. 22 No. 28
Tea For The Tillerman, Please

Vol. 22 No. 29
Guillaume All Heart
Chuckles For August 29, 2023
Kale Full Speed Ahead
Digital ULD Control Receipt
An Open Letter To Qatar Airways

Publisher-Geoffrey Arend • Managing Editor-Flossie Arend • Editor Emeritus-Richard Malkin
Film Editor-Ralph Arend • Special Assignments-Sabiha Arend, Emily Arend

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