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Family Aid 2020
   Vol. 22 No. 26
Wednesday August 9, 2023

Letter From Hong Kong
Summer Over The Moon

Letter From Hong Kong
Chang'e 5

     Chang'e 5 the fifth lunar exploration mission in the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program of CNSA, just became China's first lunar sample-return mission.
     Like its predecessors, the spacecraft is named after the Chinese moon goddess, Chang'e.
     From Hong Kong, “the dark days of Covid are rapidly fading into the background," reports Bob Rogers, majordomo of ULD CARE and part of the force that makes that place great.
     “Its actually just 6 months since our borders fully reopened, behind so many of our peers and attracting a great deal of commentary from the nay sayers ready to count HK and indeed all of China out for the count," Bob declared.
     “To them I say . . . never bet against Hong Kong, that just has never worked, period!
     “The past 6 months have demonstrated how, when the going gets tough, Hong Kong gets going!
     “At the airport the signs are particularly encouraging, it seems Mr. Walsh’s predictions last September that HK’s days as an aviation hub were over were a little premature.
     “Walsh actually came off his dire earlier prediction, describing the situation in Hong Kong as “looking bright”.
     “And indeed things are looking particularly bright on the passenger side with a steady ramping up of both HK-based carriers and overseas carriers.
     “Cargo is a little less rosy," Bob said, "but after the last couple of bumper years this is not surprising.
     “And, while Hong Kong, like so many airports is suffering a problem with labor supply, the government has stepped in and revised the decades-long policy of not allowing the use of mainland labor in the SAR and an initial 6000+ workers from Zhuhai, connected by the HK-Macau-Zhuhai bridge across the Pearl river will shortly commence a daily commute from Zhuhai to work at the HK Airport.”
     For those wishing to venture into the bright lights of downtown HK, the traditional HK welcome awaits them, the stunning harbor scenery, the shops and of course an over-abundance of places to eat and drink to your hearts content . . .
     “Hong Kong," Bob Roger explains, “is back big time.”

Tony Bennett-Fly Me To The Moon
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FT072423Vol. 22 No. 24
Does Anybody Here Know How To Play The Game?
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Buffalo Jets Into The Future
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It's A Good Life

Publisher-Geoffrey Arend • Managing Editor-Flossie Arend • Editor Emeritus-Richard Malkin
Film Editor-Ralph Arend • Special Assignments-Sabiha Arend, Emily Arend

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