News that SWISS Chief Cargo Officer
Oliver Evans will step down in September 2015—retiring in the same
“long goodbye” manner we saw when Ram Menen packed it in from
Emirates in 2013 and Des Vertannes left IATA in 2014—has been met
with sadness as well as some measure of disbelief he has lasted this long,
especially after the Lufthansa takeover of SWISS a few years back.
In the time since the takeover happened, almost every
other top executive at both carriers has changed.
So now the bell tolls for one of the tallest men (6’7”)
in air cargo, who may stand a bit taller without the burden of both his
airline job and Chairmanship of TIACA. Evans is departing under his own
power into some kind of transportation pursuit, as hinted at in a sentimental
SWISS press release.
Speaking of TIACA, with Evans gone and his successor,
Enno Osinga, having decided to retire and not take the Chairman’s
post, questions are swirling about what lies ahead for the troubled organization,
especially after the traumatic, loss-driving, Seoul-based ACF in early
“It is one thing not to have a Vice Chairman and
another to know that two key board members who both have been in position
of leadership for the organization will be moving on at a critical time,”
a source told FlyingTypers.
Geoffrey |