Hello Geoffrey,
I do hope this finds you well and in good
health there.
This is to reach out as former President
of CNS to say it has been a sad few months in Air Cargo.
We are witnessing some of the best leadership
in our industry departing, when this is the time they are needed the most.
With the recent announcement of Mike White leaving CNS and some great
individuals at IATA like Gordon Wright, our industry, while resilient,
will suffer.
There once was a time when people looked
to CNS and IATA for guidance and direction.
There was once a time that the CNS Partnership
Conference was exactly what the branding implied: a partnership of individuals
from all aspects of the industry working together to solve problems.
Now CNS Partnership apparently has turned
into a cash cow for the higher ups.
There was once a time the IATA/CNS logo
meant something to people; exuding pride, concern for the overall good,
and helpful guidance through cooperation for all aspects of air cargo.
Now with some of the most talented, experienced
individuals leaving, the forces that worked tirelessly every day to improve
air cargo will also be gone, taking with their departure, expertise in
air cargo, up and down the line.
We are left to wonder who will step up?
With our industry experiencing its greatest
challenges, CNS/IATA should be leading the way and helping the industry
overcome the obstacles while standing ready with top notch experienced
cargo people as we move through this very important time.
But to do this, there has to be leadership
and a clear direction forward that can help everyone with all the issues
and challenges that we face.
There are some amazing industry groups out
there that can fill this void.
“Now is the time for all good men
and women to come to the aid of their party,” is a typing drill
from more than 100 years ago.
We need our industry leaders to stand up
and be heard for the overall good at once.
With kind regards
Warren Jones
CNS President 2013-2015 |