Why CNS Partnership? |
The Airline
and Cargo Network Services (CNS) must recognize that CNS needs to maintain
a strong voice for the airline forwarder partnership,” said Jan
Krems, President of United Airlines Cargo.
“Right now thankfully, we seem to be at the doorstep
for the hoped for vaccine that will deliver us from the global COVID-19
“The CNS Partnership is and will remain a vital force
for good as the industry works to get things back to normal .
“We need our trusted organizations to bring us together
and make sure that cooperation between all parties not only maintains
a single standardized system in place, but also advances our offering
through cooperation that touches every aspect of the logistics supply
“Air cargo cannot carry the airline business alone.
“Thanks to the brilliance of our team, United Cargo
have moved more than 6,000 charters since March.
“Looking ahead we can expand our impact even more as
an air cargo resource as the COVID-19 impact is mitigated.
“For all of us up and down the line in all aspects of
our industry to be as good as we want to be, we need the unique opportunities
for cooperation that the CNS advocacy offers working for the advancement
and betterment of the entire logistics industry.”
We asked Joachim Frigger, Chairman of EMO Trans, which has
been a continued advocate of CNS Partnership Conference for decades, to
share his view on the “partnership” today.
“The formation of CNS always was and still is a great
opportunity for meaningful dialogue between the airlines and freight forwarders.
“We have always supported this goal and hope that going
forward, a balanced view of all participants and their business interests
can be maintained.
“I do regret that CNS has only been created in the U.S.
and that this model has not been expanded to other worldwide areas like
Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Latin America.
“The advantage of close cooperation between partners
becomes more evident in today's global markets, as geopolitical developments
create a great deal of division and uncertainty for all involved.”