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I woke up this morning and all of a
sudden it was cold in New York City, and the change immediately invoked
the appearance of Indian corn, pumpkins, and fresh-pressed apple cider
at the corner store.
It is still too early for bittersweet,
but our backyard vine should yield a bumper crop after first frost,
just in time for Thanksgiving on the last Thursday in November.
music is an echo that
has traveled 77 years,
going all the way
back to the first
time we sat in front
of the old Magnavox
in our living room
in Toledo, Ohio. I
was probably double
wrapped in blankets
in a basket near the
door, as the cold
wind blew off Lake
Erie and the Packard
was outside warming
up for our ride over
the river and through
the woods to Gramp
& Emily’s
But the sounds of Larry Clinton on The
Lucky Strike Radio Program are still there and I suppose, like the
rest of this list, it will be out there orbiting and playing on forever.
Too bad this time of year moves on to
being so damn cold, without lingering much in this cool and sunny
state, but at least we have seasons and, wherever we are, each other.
And Frank, Jo, and Brian, and all the
old (and new) favorites to play us into the next chapter.
“September Song” features
the great stage actor and movie star Walter Huston who was featured
in The Treasure of The Sierra Madre.
Walter, father of director John Huston
(Casablanca), sings/speaks “September” in a immortal 1938
Other great sing/speaking music examples
are Audrey Hepburn’s “Moon River,” featured earlier
in this series, Rex Harrison’s “I’ve Grown Accustomed
To Her Face,” and Richard Burton’s “Camelot”.
All of these artists were, strictly
speaking, not singers, but in every case their performances became
the definitive delivery of music that has never been done better by
anyone else.
September 30, 2018