In early May of this
year, as we moved about Transport Logistik and Air Cargo Europe 2017
in Munich, we noted that a fine fellow and colleague, Emirates SkyCargo’s
Prakash Nair, was not present at Emirates big dominator display.
As it turns out, Prakash retired after
30 years of service at SkyCargo.
But gone cannot be forgotten. Prakash
Nair was and is a gem of a great human being.
Prakash joined Emirates in 1987, part
of the team that was instrumental at the genesis of SkyCargo.
Back when the fleet was small and the idea of a great, Dubai-based
world airline was a dream of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
Ruler of Dubai, and the operation was peopled with innovators like
Maurice Flanagan, and on the cargo side Peter Sedgley, Ram Menen,
Pradeep Kumar, and of course Prakash Nair.
As part of the start up team, Prakash
got busy implementing the plan to appoint general sales agents and
cargo sales agents, and setting up the capacity control team.
But Prakash is best known as the kind,
genteel, and totally professional face of Emirates SkyCargo, always
present at various trade show events in all parts of the world. He
had been at Air Cargo Europe in Munich for as long as the show has
been in business.
In fact, as part of the SkyCargo Team,
Prakash was also involved with the original committee that founded
Air Cargo Europe.
We talked to many people about Prakash
Nair and his time during that particular era in Dubai now past.
Most significantly the great pioneering
Issa Baluch, who is among the half dozen greatest cargo transportation
executives ever had this to say:
“Among other attributes, Prakash
Nair always appeared as a very dedicated professional who was outstanding
and a great Ambassador of Emirates SkyCargo at exhibitions and conferences
“I would remember him manning
the stands and spreading the word of Emirates non-stop.
“That commitment and energy built
the product and image the core team was so passionate about.
“I mention team and passion here,
because it was only through such unity of the managerial professionals
under the leadership and vision of Ram Menen that they disrupted the
status quo and staged a product that catapulted Emirates SkyCargo
to the top of the air cargo business worldwide.
“Ram, Prakash and company delivered
clear customer focus as the cornerstone of their offering.
“Prakash was amongst the drivers
of that vision and I had great professional encounters with him.
“Prakash Nair, alongside Ram
Menen and Pradeep Kumar—a powerful triumvirate for good in air
cargo—will always have my highest praises and regards as true
Today, Emirates SkyCargo, which went from zero to hero in 30 years,
is the largest international cargo carrier in the world,” Prakash
“I am ever so grateful to Emirates
and all my colleagues both at that wonderful airline and around the
world for the opportunity to have been part of the air cargo business.
“Now with Anita, we look forward
to family and life in retirement with wonderful memories and full
anticipation as our children move on with their careers, education,
and lives,” Prakash adds.
We wish Prakash, Anita, Nikhita, and
Rohan Nair every good wish, and hope that the future offers all comforts
for a well-earned and richly-deserved retirement.