Note: This story is
about two pioneering,
smart and tough sisters
in a place that despite
the passing years
remains somewhat remote,
while retaining what
is left of the American
spirit of natural
cargo across Alaska
is an absolute way
of life, in a place
where flying freight
harkens back to the
early, high adventure
aviation days.
contributing writers
here and, as it turns
out, shippers as well,
are Miki and Julie
Collins who live in
Lake Minchumina, Alaska.
live a completely
remote life without
phone or computer.
fact, we only hear
from Julie when the
hard freeze comes
and she or the mailman
can walk across the
streams that separate
the sisters from the
rest of civilization,
or when an itinerant
cargo plane flies
into their tiny airstrip.
and Julie are also
fact, as the picture
confirms, they are
both damn good at
what they do as the
only female trappers
out and about in Alaska
right now.
twins leave home in
mid-November and stay
out in the wild, trapping
until mid April.
and Julie Collins
are experts with horses
and dog teams, and
have written two books.
you will learn (among
other things) right
away from their work
is that Denali is
a place that was a
natural wonder of
the world, a long
time before Cadillac
automobiles pasted
the word ‘Denali’
in plastic on the
side of their SUV.
take a ride on the
wild side with a closer
look that reveals
a culture of life
in Alaska and a new
breed of woman there
that meet or exceeds
any challenge.
Minchumina, Alaska
The checkout clerk
was curious but polite.
“You don't want
to buy cereal for
awhile?” she
tactfully inquired,
surveying the 40 boxes
in my shopping cart.
“My freezer
broke last week, and
you don't have time
to hear the rest of
the story,”
I replied gloomily.
The clerk didn't have
time, but you, dear
reader, may read on
if you wish, or click
away if you don't.
The freezer failure
didn't surprise us;
after all, it was
almost 40 years old.
The problem was replacing
Freezers reach this
Bush community by
air, and you can't
fit a 24-cubic-foot
freezer in our little
mail plane.
The only charter available
was a DC-6A (C119
Liftmaster) that cost
$4,254 (2008 dollars)
and carried 28,000
Now, the freezer itself
only cost $470, and
you could fit about
90 of them on a plane
that size.
This is typical of
life in the Bush:
Your freezer breaks
down and you have
to buy 28,000 pounds
of stuff to fill up
the plane.
OK. I flew to town
and started buying.
The buildings around
our place were getting
run down, so I started
with construction
materials. Roofing,
flooring, stovepipe,
cement, greenhouse
materials, deep cycle
batteries, water storage
tanks, gutters, tarpaper,
plywood, and other
Fuel is hard to transport
too, so I ordered
seven drums of gas
and a jug of propane.
“Your total
so far is 5,401 pounds,”
Sheryl from Everts
Air Cargo told me
after my fourth pickup
load. I felt sick.
Usually the whole
village joins in to
fill up a big charter
like this, but so
far nobody else had
delivered anything.
There were other complications,
too. Our neighbor
Bill Janusz had generously
loaned us his empty
freezer, but he would
need it back after
moose hunting. If
the charter didn't
fly soon, we wouldn't
be able to haul the
freight home by boat
due to low water.
And our own moose
hunt couldn’t
be delayed too long.
Back to shopping.
I bought more stuff
that was cumbersome
or hazardous to ship
by mail. Cultivator,
wheel barrow, 30-gallon
trash can and Plexiglas;
sheet metal, rebar,
angle iron for welding
projects; plastic
for sled runners,
a galvanized fence,
dog pen, white ash
for dog sleds; ten
gallons of two-cycle
oil, five of chain
oil, and 12 of white
gas; two pickup loads
of hay and straw that
shed all over the
I was still far short
of 28,000 pounds.
Everts Air Cargo couldn’t
tell me just when
the plane would fly,
either. Sheryl, who
managed every ounce
of freight efficiently,
didn't know the flight
schedules, and Robert,
who managed the flights,
was clueless, swamped
with flying for Bush
construction projects
and flights disrupted
by bad weather.
“How can I tell
you where I'm flying
next week when I don't
know where I'm flying
tomorrow?” he
asked, but he promised
to attempt my flight
on the Tuesday after
Labor Day.
That gave me two more
shopping days, so
I turned my attention
toward dead weight.
I bought 400 pounds
of groceries, fertilizer,
oats, sweet feed,
horse chow, block
salt, and chicken
food. For the dogs,
I bought rice, tallow,
fat blend, powdered
eggs, bone meal, and
2,250 pounds of Eukanuba
dog food. From out
of town I ordered
a sickle bar mower
and a washing machine.
Neither arrived in
time to get on the
What a headache for
the charter outfit.
Freight trickled in
for two weeks and
they had to store
it all. As deliveries
came from other people,
Sheryl carefully logged
the weights of each
so I could bill people
who joined my charter.
The freight boys had
to deal with some
unorthodox freight,
but they skillfully
shrink-wrapped everything
onto pallets.
“Please don’t
tell me you’ve
got more hay,”
one guy begged.
“I enjoy reading
your stories in Heartland,”
Sheryl told me.
“You'll be reading
about this,”
I assured her with
a gesture of dismay.
Every day I harassed
them with questions.
Could they take fuel?
Frozen food? Dogs?
Could they back-haul
old batteries? Had
they nailed down a
flight date? How much
weight had accumulated?
Fairbanks businesses
helped out a lot too.
Some made free deliveries.
Some went to long
lengths to specially
cut or package items
for me. I got some
great discounts. Northland
Wood, Cold Spot Feed,
OK Lumber, Superior
Hardwoods, Alaska
Steel, Cameron Equipment.
and Rod's Saw Shop
all went beyond the
call of commercial
duty. I went to four
hardware stores and
four boat shops; to
Bucher Glass, Alaska
Battery Supply, and
Big Ray’s; twice
to Alaska Feed and
three times to Grubstake.
I ran out of checks
and maxed out my credit
card, but with 10,000
pounds thrown in by
neighbors, the charter
grossed 28,576 pounds.
(How lucky that my
parents were sharing
in the home improvement
The DC-6 flew on the
promised Tuesday.
It rumbled into Minchumina,
a World War II antique,
and the pilot delicately
maneuvered the big
craft onto the tiny
parking area.
If it took a town
to help me fill up
that plane, it took
a village to help
me unload it. People
came whether they
were expecting freight
or not. Walter Maakestad
brought his forklift
and did most of the
unloading. Jack Hayden
brought his crew from
Denali West Lodge
and they provided
most of the brute
All we brought were
There were our two
new dogs, the dog
pen, water tanks,
hardwood floor, the
new roofing and five
pallets of feed and
straw—how would
we ever haul it all?
The fuel and lumber
we could move after
freeze up. And there
was the freezer. All
we really needed was
the freezer—28,000
pounds later, I had
almost forgotten about
The washing machine
and the mower are
still in Fairbanks,
waiting for another
plane. I just hope
they get on someone
else's charter.
It took two hours
to unload the DC-6
charter at the Lake
Minchumina airstrip.
Freight was lined
up along the parking
area to be picked
up by the individuals
who had ordered it.

From The Past.
once said
love is a
got it pretty
bad for these
at the top,
we asked Julie
to write this
story for
back in 2008,
at a time
when Everts
Air Cargo operated
their DC6As,
high maintenance
and shortages
of AvGas—are
still in service
today alongside
some Curtiss
last year,
National Geographic
them in a
short video. Click
above image
to view.
twins Miki and
Julie Collins
trap, hunt, fish,
and garden in
Alaska's wilderness
just north of
Denali National
Park in Alaska's
vast interior.
closest companions
are loyal sled
dogs and Icelandic
horses, which
eat fish and can
withstand northern
taking a 1,900-mile
excursion around
Alaska by dog
sled, defending
their huskies
from a charging
grizzly, or dealing
with a panicked
horse in an airborne
plane, the Collins
sisters offer
a new perspective
on life in the
is an unusual
lifestyle even
by Alaska standards.
The sisters share
what has happened
in their lives
in the past twenty-five
years in their
two books. |