am still fascinated
by this business.
you stand back and
take the full view
of air cargo, what
is in clear focus
is that this is a multi-billon
dollar business driven
by a large, dedicated
group that includes
the best, most prestigious
companies in the world.
cargo is really and
truly golden.
I have gotten along
in years since I retired
from KLM, I cannot
understand why this
beautiful cargo industry
is still treated in
some cases as a stepchild.
must be doing something
wrong,” Jacques
Ancher who served
as Executive Vice
President of KLM Cargo
(1990-2001) said in
Is Jacques Ancher?
“Jacques brought
a remarkable ability
to reduce difficult
issues to common terms,
and he sought to maintain
a reasonable balance
among carrier, forwarder,
and customer in a
wildy competitive
universe,” Richard
Malkin told me one
morning at breakfast
in 2014.
negotiations, his
was the exacting language
of a businessman,
not of the manager
of a glamorous service,”
Mr.Malkin said.
“It was Shakespeare
who said that nothing
is good without respect,
and clearly Jacques
reflects the respect
and appreciation of
a selfless career
devoted to reaching
the targets and setting
new goals for an industry
intent on growth and
Praise From The Boss
built his own career
path," said Pieter
Bouw (right) who at
one time sat above
the KLM Cargo floor
at JFK International
Airport, and rose
during an illustrious
career to President
and CEO at KLM.
was one of the few
in KLM taking challenging
positions in both
businesses: Passengers
and Cargo, saying
‘the one cannot
do without the other.’
You Hug Your Forwarder
the late seventies
Jacques held the position
of being responsible
for Cargo Sales in
Europe and Africa.
that time there was
quite some tension
between airlines and
the intermediaries:
forwarders and consolidators.
kept an effective
balance between direct
market access and
via intermediaries
claiming ‘as
long as they provide
me with profitable
business it is not
important whether
we like them or not,
and it is better that
they give their business
to us than to our
often referred to
the wooden sign hanging
in the KLM Cargo office:
You Hug Your Forwarder
Independence And Innovation
was always very practical
and action driven:
all his management
positions Jacques
focused on enabling
his team members to
develop themselves
in doing an excellent
job as independently
as possible.
people was, in Jacques
view, conditional
to developing the
cargo business.
expected the same
approach from his
taking the cargo job,
two members of the
Management Board of
KLM had an extensive
experience in Cargo:
Leo van Wijk and myself.
the beginning we had
a tendency ‘to
know better’
than the man having
the responsibility
for the Cargo business.
took us both apart
and said, ‘Support
my strategy, give
me the tools, and
I will run the Cargo
business effectively,
so you both have more
time available to
do your own job, which
in my view is difficult
message was clear,
well understood, and
accepted and from
that moment on, Jacques
developed the Cargo
business for KLM beyond
any expectations,”
Pieter Bouw concluded.
More Things Before
I Go
Ancher continued:
also want to acknowledge
the time many of us
had together and how
we tried to change
the air cargo business.
I’d like to
also say that in retrospect
there are two things
I wish I had done
wish I had gone to
both aircraft manufacturers
Boeing and Airbus
and asked them to
deliver airplanes
without cargo bellies.
reasoning is that
new airplanes without
cargo capacity would
make all of our lives
much simpler.
that scenario, when
an airline bought
an airplane the decision
to carry cargo would
also represent a true
commitment to the
air cargo business.
second thing I would
have done differently
is the way we attempted
to change air cargo
by organizational
structure within our
company, KLM.
I did it again today,
I would inspire change
through innovation.
believe the key to
change is people.
through people can
you change what you
are doing.
you can build innovation
into your structure
you have a chance
to win.
a broader sense, cargo
needs innovation,
and to not work against
each other.
build innovation you
must allow your people
to experience whether
new ideas can work
or not work.
you do that you will
change not only people’s
outlook, you will
also change air cargo.
only have to look
at my grandchildren,
with their thumbs
and fingers zipping
across a tiny mobile
keyboard on a cell-phone
or PDA to know that
innovation is accelerating
change in the world.
cargo could benefit
greatly by simply
looking around and
building its future
by innovation.”
The Thought Leader
brings his own atmosphere
into the sentences
might feel the air
change as his words—
measured, thoughtful
and full of promise,
move forth softly
in subdued elegance.
more on Jacques Ancher,
click here.
For more of Jacques'
views, click here. |