is a blast from the past. It originally aired
in 1998, but it’s still alive on YouTube,
where it has been viewed more than 161,000
Airports is the title and the program runs
about 45 minutes.
In 1989
we created a book for Airport Council International
(ACI) titled Great Airports Worldwide, comprising
800 pages of the soup-to-nuts history of 137
of the world’s airports.
The late
Josh Hanig, a top notch TV producer, contacted
us for a series he was producing for The History
Channel called Modern Marvels.
Josh had
read our book and said he wanted us to help
him put together the show.
In terms
of timeframe, all of this happened before
programs like Pawn Stars put The
History Channel solidly into the minds of
hundreds of millions of people around the
Eastern Airlines Bar Wings It
The evening
the show debuted on The History Channel, we
were in The Spirit—a great airline watering
hole in Miami created by some former Eastern
Airlines employees, where aircraft seats served
as tables.
The place
was attached to a hotel that also provided
low-cost quarters for people like us who were
attending Air Cargo Americas.
I recall
the innkeeper—who had an enormous satellite
dish on the roof—did not subscribe to
History Channel, but was willing to buy a
trial subscription, so we ponied up 20 bucks,
bought the house drinks, and settled in to
watch “International Airports.”
The show
played and folks watched off and on and then
went back to whatever was on their minds.
So we
bought more rounds and the show played on.
It was
a great night that we often recall fondly.
Davies Was The Greatest
Marvels ran for decades and helped keep
the lights on for the History Channel.
For me,
rewatching our episode carries some mixed
I am very
glad to see my dear friend and colleague,
the late R.E.G. Davies, once again.
We both
worked together on this film.
Ron is/was
the greatest aviation historian in the history
of the world.
His 38
books for Smithsonian Press and his 50 years
as the dean of aviation historians, including
his tenure in The Lindbergh Chair at The National
Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C.,
places an indelible stamp on aviation history
and can never be overlooked or forgotten.
Common Thread
at this film, you will notice airports old
and new, but here the newest is over 20 years
a doubt, today in the age of mega-airports
in America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East,
and elsewhere, the art of airports has accelerated
quite a distance.
The Higher Truth
But in
the context of time, as this program looks
back at airport beginnings, in 2018 this film
delivers certain truths.
the destiny and sense of place of every great
city in the world is inexorably connected
to its airport.
So it’s
good to look back at where we came from.
Cargo On Global TV
And yes
there is a segment for air cargo, so if you
stick it for awhile, look for the guy holding
up a bag of goldfish against the light in
a cargo facility at LAX.
to Jack Driscoll (right) who managed that
great facility, air cargo is included here.
To my
mind the industry was given a solid bump on
global television decades ago and in that
effort came further ideas about bringing air
cargo to the masses.
ACN FlyingTypers Offices at MAT
Our “International
Airport” segments were created inside
Air Cargo News FlyingTypers offices in The
Marine Air Terminal (MAT) at LaGuardia Airport.

Top DOT & FAA Award
MAT is
the building that we saved in 1980 using the
clout of our pioneering newspaper Air Cargo
News, which began 43 years ago in 1975.
In 1986
we were given the highest award of the U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT) and The
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) heralding
our “Outstanding Contributions to Public
Service & Transportation ” for saving
the Marine Air Terminal and declaring the
1939 airport facility an historic landmark.
Landmark Effort
As the
first active American airport building in
passenger use to be designated an historic
landmark, MAT undoubtedly led the way for
others that followed, including the iconic
TWA facility at JFK, which has been saved
and is being adapted into an airport hotel.
My biggest
kick occurred when U.S. Secretary of Transportation
Elizabeth Hanford Dole handed me the award,
transcribed with a dedication acknowledging
the Marine Air Terminal was saved forever
by Air Cargo News.
& Learn
Hope that
you can lean back as summer continues, whether
on the job or on vacation, and watch the video.
We would
appreciate your comments.
for the memories.
Geoffrey |