will depend on which manufacturer will get the approval for their vaccine.
There will be a mad rush and the logistics may be under control of the
shipper or importer. It is very difficult to predict where the vaccine
will be coming from and who will be the initial consignee. The vaccine
could come from Europe, Asia, Russia or North America.
“Distribution is generally not a problem,
we would set up regions.
“Customs and FDA import procedures may
be a hurdle as well as the proficiency of the exporter and importer. Maybe
the government is the buyer and wants central control.
“The transportation and logistics
itself would not be too difficult once we know what needs to be done.
“In any event, we're ready should
this come our way; right now there are many unpredictable elements.”
Frigger, Chairman-EMOTrans
Our Readers in The Write
Usually we talk to people up and down the
supply chain and then write what is commonly referred to in the press
as a “tell story.”
Thinking hypothetically: what if a vaccine
for COVID-19 were announced next month?
We need your help to tell the story of how
air cargo can deliver the world.
How would air cargo safely deliver this
life saving serum from manufacturers to people everywhere?
If you are hands-on air cargo, in an office,
a warehouse, a ramp, a university or a drug company, now is the time to
speak up.
The challenge is in front of us and needs
everyone to lean in right now so that when the cure comes, air cargo will
be able to meet the day as the delivery vehicle.
We need to strategize how this precious
life-giving cargo—presumably in the form of liquid—will be
delivered to the world with capacity, cool chain requirements, and handling
restraints currently in place.
Questions & Answers
Obviously, there are questions and limitations
in our ability to handle so much vaccine at once due to grounded aircraft
and the need for other commodities to move.
Our take is that air cargo is inventive,
fast on its feet, and very entrepreneurial.
Just look at how PPE moved in 2020. Like
the Berlin Airlift of 1948, air cargo brought salvation to millions and
there was global recognition for air cargo’s ability to deliver
masks, gloves, and ventilators to destinations worldwide.
Today Is Today
Now in a world where there is no tomorrow,
where everyone is clamoring, praying, and hoping for deliverance from
COVID-19, how will air cargo step up and deliver vaccines?
Into The Unkown
That should be the topic of conversation
right now.
You have a computer and a circle or friends
and colleagues in transportation, a webinar date, an online business meeting,
a Zoom session, whatever.
Talk about how we are going to deliver the
vaccine, write to each other and speak in plain terms to share ideas.
Forget about being out of the box or in
No Box At All
Getting the vaccine to everyone needs thinking
with no box at all as we try and come up with some ideas to get the medicine
out to everyone.
We do not need naysayers who only predict
that we are incapable of handling the rush because of all the grounded
airplanes or not enough cool cans in this world.
The vaccine may have to be wrapped in bags
of ice with extra handlers to change out the containers. We cannot fear
being primitive.
Air cargo has never shied away from pioneering
new ideas when the call for help came.
Right now, it is no overstatement to say
that the world needs air cargo expertise, imagination, and heart to come
up with a plan at once to deliver beyond what we might think is possible.
Be Like Jo
Like industry leader Joachim Frigger, Chairman
of EMO Trans who speaks up at the top of this page, share your thoughts
and ideas.
When the virus solution is developed, are
current supply chains today going to be able to provide the proper distribution
channels needed to deliver the vaccine? If not, why?
What can be done that is not in the playbook
right now?
Do you believe there is adequate transport
available today?
What type of transport requirements will be needed?
i.e., handling, temp control, timing? What else might be utilized on a
short-term emergency basis?
Do you expect that distribution will be between
major cities or do you see the air transport sector going into smaller
area and locations?
Have you been talking yet to your transport
partners and your own people in meeting shipping requirements?
Do you feel governments should be involved
in the distribution process?
Have there been any discussions with government
officials on distribution?
How do you see the involvement of the CDC and
Of course, you should write to us and we
will share.
This is not about us. There is no time to
waste in a year already more than half lost.
Together, if we put our minds to this challenge,
we can help save the world.