Cargo said it has taken further steps to defend animal rights as the carrier
takes “utmost care for transportation of the animals threatened
with extinction”.
“In Africa,” Turkish Cargo said,
“the natural habitat of wild animals, various animal species, in
particular hundreds of rhinos, elephants, lions, tigers, cheetahs, hippopotamus,
are being slaughtered by illegal hunting, each year.
“Having ratified the "United
For Wildlife (Buckingham Palace) Declaration (UFW)" on November 7,
2017, for the purpose of preventing illegal wildlife trade and increasing
the industrial awareness thereto, Turkish Airlines has highlighted its
cognizance of the live animal transportation processes and animal rights,”
the carrier continued.
Cargo, which transports only animals born under protection from/to the
qualified zoos, private institutions or recognized protection and rehabilitation
centers as accompanied by the authorized and specialized crew members
and keepers.
Cargo takes “the IATA LAR regulations and the CITES guidelines as
the reference for the acceptance, storage and shipment processes, and
it strictly implements the documentation, packing, labeling and marking
guidelines, as described under the said regulations, during the course
of performance of the live animal transportation process,” the carrier
Turkish Cargo adds CSafe RAP to its
service offering and the carrier’s senior vice president cargo marketing
Fatih Cigal could not be happier.
“CSafe RAP partnership with Turkish Cargo delivers best-in-class
services around the world, in terms of volume, cargo integrity and safety,
and on time transportation,” Mr. Cigal said.
“Turkish Cargo CSafe RAP ensures the temperature integrity
and safe delivery of temperature-sensitive, life-enhancing products for
healthcare companies worldwide.”
CSafe RAP precisely maintains the user-defined payload temperature
set point through payload transport, regardless of ambient conditions.