Here are some letters including response to our editorial titled:
“Time To Take A Closer Look At The UAE” that appeared February 22, 2006.
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Dear Mr. Arend,
This is a very nice and up-to-date article.
You are absolutely right that there is lack of information about U.A.E. in the world and U.S. is not an exception.
I am a Ukraine national, on resident visa in U.A.E. since 1996.
I see myself how this country grows.
In 1993. I started passenger charter flights from Ukraine to Dubai. At that time it was commercial tourism, because consumer market in Ukraine was empty and Dubai trade market gave large opportunity to small traders from former USSR to fill it by the goods available in huge quantities here.
Now people from over the world are coming to Dubai to see wonders.
Present situation in the Middle East is rather complicated, but if lots of people from Western countries and U.S. come to Dubai and see closer life, habits of local population and get to know more about Muslims it may help to make world a bit kinder.
Ms.Natela Masliuk
Accord Aviation Service

Hi Geoffrey,
Thanks for the good words about Dubai.
I was born and raised in Southeastern Kentucky and know how bad things can be.
I lived in Atlanta, Georgia for 20 years and worked for Amoco before it was bought out by BP.
In 1996 I got the opportunity to move to Jeddah, KSA and worked there for 2 years before my contract expired.
On our way back to Atlanta at the end of the contract we stopped off in Dubai for a quick visit, that was April 1997 and been here ever since.
I got lucky and found a job with Emirates IT, and have never regretted one day living in the Middle East.
My wife and I feel safer here than in some of the better suburbs in North Atlanta.
It's hard to describe the UAE to folks back home, because they don't really believe it, don't really care for much outside the borders of the States and believe everything they see and hear from sounds bites on FOX and CNN.
The stink over DPWorld is frustrating and I'm glad you are trying to correct a lot of bad information about Dubai...
I feel better now getting this off my chest to someone who's been here and knows there are many sides to a story.
Keep up the good work with your newsletter...
Bob Ely - PMIS

Dear Geoff,
I am sure 99% of the folks are fine. 99.99 percent of the people boarding flights on 9/11 were fine too.
Unfortunately that last fraction of a percent are a real b*tch!
The fact of the matter is that every country in the Middle East has documented terrorist associations among the indigenous population which makes them particularly difficult to distinguish the good and the bad.
Thus, PC world views notwithstanding, I think it is the worst possible naivete to ignor the potential Trojan horse that this represents!
What I like to call Jimmy Carter politics.
I fully support the backlash against the outsourcing of U.S. ports to any Middle Eastern interests.
In fact while the UK is obviously our arguably strongest ally currently, I would support the same kind of foreign ownership limitations on these critical national interests as have been imposed on U.S. airlines and other strategic entities.
Sorry to have to disagree.
David Behrmann
Polar Air

Dear F.T.,
I know based on the passage in your article:
"The black flowing abbayah is worn to work with pride as business garments of tradition by powerhouse women in charge of everything from Dubai Customs Service to the Duty Free Zone."
There is going to be a question:
"Do you ever see any women UAE or otherwise going about without the Muslim covering?
Ken Schnauzer

This issue (Feb 23) is excellent.
Your article on CV, the first black pilot, the
passing of an old friend, and the uproar over the ports issue.
You are in a unique position relative to the ports question.
Have you sent a copy of this article to some of the key players in the USA House and Senate?
The real problem here is not the deal but the fact that the review process was not followed with the 45 days of review. This is so big a deal politically that without going through the process, it smacks of politics as usual, which in this case is bad politics.
Your UAE article is very clear, succinct, and to the point.
I think it would be very helpful to a lot of people.
I hope you have sent it on to some of the responsible parties including New York
Senator Clinton, who should be on the list along with Sen. Dodd (D)-Connecticut who was very vocal on National Public Radio this morning.
You could also explain to them how the ex-AMR Services Corp. ground handles some 15 airlines in MIA, about 10 at JFK, and many others at every major airport in the United States and (by the way) is French owned.
You do a wonderful job.
Thank you for that.
Best wishes,
W. Garner McNett, Jr.
Cargo Data Management Corp.

Greetings Geoffrey,
Just a note to express my gratitude of your acknowledgment of February being known as “Black History Month” and having the article on Capt. August "Augie" Martin who was the first black airline pilot in the United States.
I must admit I knew of the name but not the history until reading your article.
So my friend, please know that when I read FlyingTypers it keeps me abreast; within the continental U.S., local and international air news. I now know as well how FedEx was born.
Keep the type print flying, and thank you for doing just that.
Ray Mayo
RWM Protective Service, Inc.
LaGuardia Airport
Flushing, NY 11371