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Vol. 24 No. 14             Friday March 14, 2025

FIATA Meetings Sláinte March 17
The actor Gene Hackman died, together with his beloved wife, about a month ago after a long and successful life. One of his greatest performances was his role in The French Connection. His character as Jimmy ‘Popeye’ Doyle in the film represents the epitome of the intuitive and cunning detective, who is proven right against all odds and manages to successfully conclude his investigation. This was the masterpiece that our local TV decided to show to commemorate Gene Hackman’s life upon his death. When I was preparing for the FIATA Headquarters’, the film’s counterintuitive and intriguing plot came back to mind, because it exposes the incredible power of connections.

They Got The Seafood Mama

    In Boston March 16-18 Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America is North America’s largest seafood trade exposition.
     The annual trade show that brings the world to Boston Convention and Exhibition Center is considered one of the best annual shows for business leads, business decisions, and just plain fun.ces look like and how they are supposed to work.

Chuckles for March 14, 2024

Up The Irish 2025
     Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with these words as you lift your glass to friends and family:
               May the road rise up to meet you
               And may the wind always be at your back
               May the sun shine warm upon your face
               And the raindrops fall soft upon your fields
               And until we meet again
               May God hold you in the small of his hand.

Vol. 24 No. 13             Monday March 10, 2025

Designing Women—Kristin Beck & Leyla Solaksubasi
You can imagine our surprise in Dallas as Air Cargo Conference met all last week when we met this very dynamic duo, together for the first time, but dedicated in our industry to designing and creating airport buildings for air cargo.
     Leyla Solaksubasi works for Dearborn-Based Ghafari Associates as project manager in the aviation design center in Chicago Illinois.


The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Compliance Galaxy
    Linkedin warns us that Gabriela Diaz, CAMS, CP/AML is a 2nd degree connection, whilst we would wish to know more about her. She is Global Compliance Executive at PayCargo with “Proven Track Record in Removing BSA AML Enforcement Actions” as expert in BSA AML, OFAC, and Regulatory Exam Management for Fintech and Banks. Her profile suggests she knows what finances look like and how they are supposed to work.

Chuckles for March 10, 2024

Celebrating International Women's Day—Flossie Arend On Gender Equality
     The reason why we've covered women in air cargo since 1975 is because once upon a time, the only woman you saw in aviation was pushing a beverage cart down the aisle of a plane or pictured half-dressed on the walls of a cargo facility.
     We have come a long way from the days when women were only allowed subservient jobs under men, and feel it is important to both showcase it and shed a light on the fact that no, things were not always this fair.

Vol. 24 No. 12             Tuesday March 4, 2025

Five Minutes On Air Forever
Somebody said there was an announcement.
   In a way I felt a disquieting expectation for something completely unexpected.
   But I was the news, in fact, not the President!

Leading Future Leaders
    Roger Samways, who celebrates 27 years at American Airlines Cargo in 2025, no doubt can easily list a hundred things he did recently, but – ever the understated executive – not only does he own up when things go wrong, but also stands up and credits his team for the cargo division’s continued success.  Ask Roger Samways, the easy breezy likeable and hard-working long time all pro VP Commercial, American Airlines Cargo, what is most important in being a leader, his answer is instant and refreshing: “Humor!”

Fat Tuesday Knows What It Means
     Today is Shrove (Fat) Tuesday Mardi Gras Day, March 4, 2025.
Fat Tuesday Knows What It Means
     Celebrated in New Orleans since 1699, and in cities all over America including Dallas, Parades and Parties, on this last big blast (formerly a day of penance) before Ash Wednesday, begins in the
Christian calendar, and incudes 40 days of Lent, ending on Easter Sunday April 20, 2025.

Vol. 24 No. 11             Monday March 3, 2025

The Delta In The Value
     On Feb 4th, 2020 Andy Kirschner, Director Americas Sales, Cargo, Delta Air Lines sat with Freightways for a ten-minute interview. This talk preceded the eruption of the COVID pandemic by a few days, and if you look at the interview with today’s hindsight you realize how much is unpredictable in the air cargo industry, as well as how big its strength and resilience.  We all know what aviation went through, and Delta in particular was put to test by the situation developing five years ago.

Chuckles For March 3, 2025

Mentoring Tomorrow's Leaders
    On Monday March 3rd at 1700 hours great expectations at sundown in early March 2025 get a reality check as a determined group of futurists that have met in one form or another for the past several years at Air Cargo Conference will be once again center stage.

EMO Generations & I
     My name is Tom, Thomas Bayes actually, Vice president Asia at Emo Trans in the USA. I shall try to tell you why succession is a success element at EMO Trans. Please let me show you that the alliteration is not out of place this time.

Vol. 24 No. 10             Sunday March 2, 2025

Airportz A Poppin' At Air Cargo 2025
       Heading to one of our favorite conferences, we’re reminded of some past events and efforts that shaped the event known this year as AirCargo 2025 which is hosted by Airports Council International – North America, (ACI-NA), the Airforwarders Association (AfA) and the Air & Expedited Motor Carrier Association (AEMCA).

Vol. 24 No. 9             Thursday February 27, 2025

Jan Krems—Attributes Of A Great Leader
      As March 2025 marks the beginning of our 51st year of publishing, we recall some favorite pictures and stories that it has been our pleasure to share during our half century on the air cargo beat.

Southwest's Wally Devereaux Retires
It’s not without a tinge of sadness, complete respect and even a faint sense of loss, that we report that we learned today that Wally Devereaux Vice President Cargo & Provisions at Southwest Airlines Cargo will retire at the end of March 2025.

Mikey Of The North
Forty-five years ago, when we were all much younger, driving from Eagle Plains, Yukon to Inuvik, NT was quite adventurous, in a way even more than flying back from the Beaufort Sea to Vancouver where our journey through western Canada had started. On the way back by air, we did fly through Yellowknife, which had not been reached during our surface roaming through all kinds of Canadian roads, some clearly existing only in summer. The aircraft took off and landed

Powering Up Amar More
Amar More, a co-founder and CEO of Kale Logistics Solutions has been in the center of the major revolution in the way airports handle cargo for some time now. He burst upon the scene, fresh as Listerine, over a decade ago, putting up the system that changed the way the Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson International Airport moves air cargo forever.

Cameron Roberts On de minimis
Our De Minimis article published on February 23rd was met with a certain number of reactions. There is one that we consider particularly valuable, as it appears to completely clarify and assess the legal progress of the rule. Here is Cameron W. Roberts' contribution provided under the aegis of his law firm: Roberts & Kehagiaras, Attorneys & Counselors At Law.

Chuckles For February 27, 2025

Vol. 24 No. 8             Monday February 24, 2025

De Inside Scoop On De Minimis
      Let us start our in-depth consideration of the de minimis regime with a quote published by Ms. Cindy Allen, CEO of Tradeforcemultiplier: “If the option to utilize de minimis was eliminated for goods, large marketplaces may structure the transactions differently for transportation, sale, and entry declaration to reduce costs. They would consolidate the merchandise on one entry per conveyance. They would establish a U.S. based entity, and a U.S. warehouse location, which some of the large online companies have already done. They would then structure the sale to be between the foreign online retailer as the seller, their own U.S. company as the

Indian Currency Challenge
The falling value of the rupee is making life difficult for stakeholders in Indian air cargo – especially smaller Indian airlines.
    The Indian Rupee exchange rate is now at 87+ to an US dollar – predictions indicate that it could go up to Rs 95 a dollar – and it is anybody’s guess how airline CEOs are making ends meet because airline expenses including lease and maintenance are all in dollars and add up to 60 percent of operating costs. One airline CEO put it rather succinctly: “Its keeping me awake at nights . . . I do not look forward with hope to a new day any more.”

Vol. 24 No. 7             Wednesday February 19, 2025

ATC Nairobi Bound
      Nairobi Bound.
      Ain't got no heebie- jeebies -hangin'round!
      Best in show . . . Here we go—
      We're Nairobi, Kenya bound!

Chuckles for February 19, 2025

Horsing Around @ Doha Animal Fest
Meeting this week at Park Hyatt Doha, Qatar, the Annual Animal Transportation Association (ATA) Conference February 16-19 is not just horsing around.

Making The Alps Transparent
 The passion of Europeans for street naming is old and intractable. As effective as the numbered streets and avenues of the USA could be, they remain far from our hearts. Europeans favour streets with names, even in America: we like Broadway, Lexington . . . even Wall Street, whilst we are instinctively puzzled by 5th Avenue’s insufficiency, even if it is fashionable and excellent, as only an avenue in NYC could be.

Jerry Trimboli JFK Building 260
     After we published our story of Cargo Building 260 at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) February 6, we received a short note from Jerome Trimboli, Jr. that opened up a world of memories. Jerry, today is Branch Manager New York/JFK USA Savino Del Bene . . .

Vol. 24 No. 6             Friday February 14, 2025

Alaska Pivots Cargo Offering
      “2024 was a transformational year as we brought Hawaiian Airlines into Alaska Air Group and began our journey to unlock $1 billion in incremental pretax profit over the next three years,” said Ben Minicucci, Alaska Air Group President and CEO.

Chuckles for February 14, 2025

New Horizons For Ian Morgan
Ian Morgan, the likeable air cargo industry stalwart that joined Alaska Airlines Cargo last September, is never at a loss for words when it comes to thinking big, and the addition of Hawaiian Airlines is a particularly sweet spot right now.

Air India In 2025 Connection Pitch
 Sitting over here in Gotham otherwise famous as New York City we tend to take notice of air services that emerge at any of our three famous airports.

India Air Cargo Strategic National Asset
     Dinesh K. Krishnan has been in the logistics business for well over 30 years. As the Founder and Managing Director of United Shipping Services, he has built a team that has driven expansion across India’s major ports, airports, and into the heart of Europe. Krishnan was the first Indian freight forwarder to establish its own independent branch office in Antwerp Port, Belgium, in 2004.

Orlando Air Cargo Taking Off
     Last week at Orlando, Florida where the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority: Orlando International (MCO) and Executive (ORL) Airports was making all the right moves to emerge as a major force in global logistics

Dog Days Of Winter
     When Sirius appeared in the sky just before the sun in July, that marked the beginning of the very hottest days of the year.
     The Romans referred to this period as "dies caniculares" or "days of the dog star," which was eventually translated as just "dog days."

Vol. 24 No. 5              Wednesday February 5, 2025

ATC Is Everyone's Valentine
      Here’s an early Valentine from Ingo Zimmer, CEO of ATC Aviation Services, AG pictured last year when ATC completed 35 years of service with Ingo at the helm.

Chuckles for February 5, 2025

Petal To The Medal Grows SAF
With Valentine’s Day love just around the corner, featuring flowers tentatively scheduled to appear everywhere in the next few weeks, here is a smiling group of floriculturists attending a trade show event all about the flower business.

Cargo Building 260's Triumphant Return To JFK
When Building 260 originally appeared in 1962 at Idlewild Airport Cargo (today JFK) in New York, the place heralded a new era for air shippers with all the bells and whistles to advance air cargo to an unheard of new plateau.

Dear Hearts & Gentle People
     Here are a group of people that everyone should know about when the question is asked, “where in the world does air cargo reach out and help others asking for nothing in return?”

The Kelly Act
     We think, remembering people in our business is a good idea and also some fun during our 5Oth year.
     Right now, up and down the line in air cargo United Airlines Cargo is a huge story.

Vol. 24 No. 4              Thursday January 30, 2025

AirCargo Dallas March Is On
      The man who has been the singular Pied Piper of local air cargo clubs, trade associations like AfA and IATA, CNS and now FIATA and seems to always be there for everybody else, Airforwarders Association’s Brandon

Chuckles for January 30, 2025

iPhone Better Than A Diamond
The iPhone you’re holding -- one out of every seven iPhones is made in India -- was likely manufactured in India. Apple’s iPhone shipments from India have crossed $10.7 billion in 2024 and, according to reports, it has overtaken the combined sales of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) manufacturers,

India To Host FIATA Rap Event
India is set to host the 2025 FIATA Region Asia Pacific (RAP) event in Delhi from May 21 to May 24. Hosted by the Air Cargo Agents Association of India (ACAAI), this significant gathering will highlight India's growing economic significance on the global stage.

Stake The Year By The Beast
     As Lunar New Year dedicated to The Snake arrived this week we are thinking that here in America and elsewhere in Europe and other locations snakes have long been identified with evil and temptation. And to be honest the Dragon, whose year we are about to leave, has not been perceived as a benign entity either, at least by Christianity.

Vol. 24 No. 3              Friday January 24, 2025

World Cargo Summit January 27-29
      Anyone who lived in Brussels for some time has been attracted, sooner or later, by the vast shores of the North Sea between Zeebrugge and De Panne, a wonderful beach challenging the winds, a few miles west of the shore where the Allies landed on June 6th 1944, D-day.

Chuckles for January 24, 2025

Scoring Between Flights
The Global Air Freight market was valued at USD 67.2 Billion in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 74.12 Billion by 2030.

Letter From Hong Kong Year Of The Snake
With the New Year behind us and with the Lunar Year of the Snake just a few days away it seems appropriate to share a few words from Hong Kong with Bob Rogers.
     "I am delighted to be able to report that Hong Kong is once again rocking and rolling, both in general and in particular when it comes to matters aviation. To highlight a few of these developments:

Delhi—A Tale Of Two Airports
     This year could well see the commencement of operations of two new airports in the vicinity of India’s capital Delhi International Airport. These will be the Jewar Airport in Noida (85 km from Delhi Airport) and the Hisar Airport (165 km west of the Delhi Airport).

Vol. 24 No. 2              Tuesday January 14, 2025

Port Strike Averted For Now
      Even if the public at large had not yet panicked for the anticipated strike in the east coast of the USA at the start of the New Year, those who work directly in logistics and international trade were more than alarmed. They had seen at other times the troubles and the inevitable disruptions propagating all over the international trade, with consequences both sides of the Atlantic, and beyond.

Chuckles for January 14, 2025

Berlin Fruit Logistica Launches February 5
Fruit and vegetable lovers will be 'loving it up' at Berlin’s Annual Fruit Logistica at the massive Berlin ExpoCenterCity and CityCube in Germany, February 5-7, 2025.

EMO Trans By The Book
At EMO Trans Stuttgart Andreas Pfitzner, Stuttgart Branch Manager, received a special request from EMO Trans Global Logistics founder Mr. Eckart Moltmann.
     Mr. Moltmann’s brother Prof. Dr Jürgen Moltmann, a leading theologian passed away June 4, 2024 at age of 98.

Vol. 24 No. 1              Monday January 6, 2025

Lucy In The Sky@American Airlines Cargo
      “The Wildcat Sanctuary (TWS) is a 501c3 non-profit, no-kill rescue facility located in Sandstone, MN. TWS provides a natural sanctuary to wild cats in need and inspires change to end the captive wildlife crisis. TWS is funded solely on private donations. The Sanctuary is a home for animals, not a zoo for people and is not open to the public. Combining natural and spacious habitats with a life free of exhibition and exploitation, TWS allows all residents to live wild at heart. TWS is committed to public education about the captive wildlife crisis in order to create a world where animal sanctuaries are no longer needed.”

Chuckles for January 6, 2025

Air India Warms Up New York
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
     But not for these high fliers from Air India outfitted in Manish Malhotra-designed uniforms.
     Here warming this up considerably Air India people made waltzing through Manhattan look easy as the Indian airline launched services via its candy dandy brand new A350s from Newark to New Delhi January 2.

Delicacies In The Air
Welcome to today’s FlyingTypers, as we close the chapter on this rather extended year-end break and the beginning of 2025.
     Let’s in the spirit of the New Year party season recall a great gathering on several New Year’s Days over the years as we travel back to a once-upon-a-time at JFK International Airport in New York City.


   We are the original Air Cargo News founded 50 years ago in 1975 in New York City, USA.    
    Edited by Geoffrey Arend, the acknowledged dean of air cargo publishers, we are the go to source for the air cargo industry worldwide.
    In-depth and knowledgeable coverage of the air cargo market.    No advertorials, no press releases, no dubious awards. Just market savvy.
   Responsible for saving the Marine Air Terminal, LaGuardia Airport, New York and Building One, Newark International Airport, New Jersey—historic first-generation aviation buildings.
   Only publication ever to be honored by the U.S. Department of Transportation for outstanding contribution to transportation and aviation.

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Hema Tanna


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